Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Life's Gifts

House Plants

One last day off before craziness sets in. I have chores that need to be taken care know grown-up things like getting the car inspected so that I can update my DMV tags. That sounds easy enough, but I'm pretty sure I need new front tires to pass inspection, so I have to add a chore before the chore to get ready for the chore. Technically, all three chores should be done before month-end. But, I often take advantage of the unofficial (unspoken?) thing that you get a grace period. All of that to say that instead of doing any of those chores I'm here at home. On my couch and basking in moments of sweet serenity.

Home is changing for me. It's becoming more lived in. More "can't wait to get there". 

Pictures have been hung. You know that has been a challenge of mine for quite some time. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see pieces I love hanging on my wall. 

I had help getting them hung (as you knew I would). 

I thought that when I got my pics hung I would be staying in this apartment for another two years. But funny enough, within a month of hanging I've decided to move, yet again. 

I lived in my last apartment for two years loving it, but knowing I would love it more if my lovely prints adorned my walls. I moved before the walls saw a single framed picture. In my Wilmington apartment, I hired someone to hang pictures within a few weeks of arriving. The guy asked me, "How long are you going to be here?", to which I answered, "FOREVER". Spoiler alert, I did not live there forever. 

Now, a much smaller move will be taking place. I won't lament about timing because, well,  I'm excited. I'm moving into a larger apartment in the same complex. Just one building west, as a matter of fact. I will still hear the same birds singing that I hear now. But it will be a bigger place. "We" need a bigger place. --He and I need a bigger place. 

It's taken me a long time to truly allow myself to imagine my own future. It goes without saying that nothing in my future changes how I feel about my sweet Jordan. I love him now. I love him forever. God gave us a beautiful life together. A beautiful marriage. A beautiful daughter. A beautiful family. A happy and full life. Nothing changes that. The blessings of our life together continue. 

We now have a beautiful granddaughter. Our daughter and her Sam are beautiful parents. 

Jordan is a part of that because he is always a part of our life. Always. Nothing changes that. 

What changes is discovering that the heart is resilient and can still love. Can love again. 

As with most wonderful, spectacular, amazing life gifts, I cannot comprehend how it all fits together. How it all works. But maybe that's okay too.