Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Autumn Changes

This weekend was spent in Asheville. I spent time in a local brewery and also picked up a Guide to Asheville Breweries. There are a lot of breweries to visit. 

Before this year, the last time I'd been to Asheville was May 2015. Whew, time flies. I mean, it really does. I just looked back at my previous blog to see what I could remember about that last visit. I had forgotten that it was the first time I used Airbnb. I was probably late to the party, but I've had several great experiences after that one. It's sort of been my preferred type of stay. 

I'm spending more time in Asheville than I ever have before. Spoiler Alert: I'm moving there! The official move date is somewhere between January 15th and January 22nd (when my lease is up). 

This poor blog has been so quiet...if you follow my posts you probably think I've abandoned it. But, no, I've just had big life changes that have taken my energy. 

Tonight, when I sat down I ran down the list of things that I've done this year...that would explain my absence and lack of writing. I knew I'd been busy, and I'd used the "I've been busy" moniker when I wrote last time. In my last post, I ticked off what I've been "busy" with. It still feels like a lot of big things. 

After catching you up with my life in September, I preceded to make more big life changes. I found out that I can retire early in 2022. At first, I thought, " nice, but I don't think so." It really was a surprise that I have the ability to collect SSI two years early. It only took a few days for me to decide to accept this surprising opportunity. I feel like if I don't take advantage of the early retirement that I will be missing out on a cosmic gift. So...I'm officially retiring as of December 31st. 

It feels right. This allows me to take a breath and start fresh. 

I'm leaving my career and I'm leaving where I live. I'm moving forward with "fear and trembling." 

This idea has stayed with me since I was a college freshman in Philosophy 101. 

If anyone on the verge of action should judge himself according to the outcome, he would never begin. Even though the result may gladden the whole world, that cannot help the hero; for he knows the result only when the whole thing is over, and that is not how he became a hero, but by virtue of the fact that he began.”― Søren Kierkegaard, Fear and Trembling

My life changes are not as dramatic or dire as what Kierkegaard is contemplating, but I take comfort in the grace of his words. After all, we are all heroes of our own lives; I am the hero of my own life. 

As I was writing this, I wanted to go on into my own philosophy of life planning but realized I have written this before. 

I really want to go on...telling you all about the new plans. I'm really quite excited about them. But, the truth is, my body has not adapted to the "non-daylight savings time", meaning I'm usually in bed by now. I'm fairly certain my post has been coherent until this point, so I will call it a night.

Until next time!

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